Saturday, April 12, 2014

Latest Instagram update for Android brings Flat Design and Performance Enhancements

Instagram is one of the most downloaded and used apps on Android and iOS. Available for free and relative ease of using make Instagram a popular choice among the youth and elderly alike. The app has progressively added new features post the takeover by Facebook including the ability to add videos, tag your friends or a more private way of sharing images via
Instagram Direct. Instagram had updated its iOS app a few weeks ago to a more simpler and flatter UI to go along with the design language of iOS 7. A very similar update has hit the Android land now.

The update for Instagram on Android is available via Play Store and you should be able to update the app by going to the Play Store and clicking on the update button if you have the app installed already. After applying the update you would be able to take the app to version 5.1.

Just like the iOS version, the Android app has now a flatter and cleaner looking design. No more solid bars with gradients. The icons within the app such as icon to refresh, to explore or to visit your profile have been vamped too to more minimal and flatter look. The app is faster and definitely there is a performance boost in terms of navigating around the app. However, we did feel that the load times on the new update are slightly slower as what we had gotten used to previously. The comments section looks neater too as compared to the previous version.

The following was the official word from Instagram on the update :