Thursday, June 21, 2012

10 Free Blog Topics to Help You Get Your Blog On

1.  If The World’s Greatest Leaders Had Lived. How would the world have been different had J.F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Joan of Arc and other great leaders lived their natural lifespan? How would it have changed our personal lives; our businesses; our technological advances, etc? Would the world have been better, worse, or the same?

2.  My Five Favourite ______ Bloggers. What bloggers do you learn from the most? What bloggers help define your style? Can you choose five of your favourite bloggers (across different niches) and share with your readers why you chose them over the millions of other bloggers online?

3.  If I Knew Then What I Know Now. Hindsight is a wonderful thing. We look back on mistakes and either smile, cry, or a bit of both. But what would you have done differently had you known at the time how it would turn out? Would you have started your blog? Quit your job to go traveling? Married your spouse? Taken a different course in University? Or would you keep the life you’ve had?

4.  If My Child Wrote a Guest Post. As parents, we all like to think we’re raising our kids the right way and making them good people. But would our kids agree? Think of all your child’s characteristics and responses to you, and the questions they ask, and turn that into a guest post (around your niche) on your blog. You might be surprised at the insights they can show us.

5.  Cooking a Recipe for Success. Do you like cooking? Do you like good food and company? Take that love, and turn it into a cooking recipe. It can be based on blogging; business; entrepreneurship; sport; social networking; and more. What ingredients do you need to succeed, and what guests should be invited to make it a really good party afterward?

6.  If I Could Only Use One Social Network. Twitter; Facebook; LinkedIn; Slideshare; YouTube; Ning; Squidoo; Tumblr; Bebo; Orkut; forums. All different; all with their pros and cons. If you could choose only one social network to be on, which would it be and why? And why should your readers choose that one too?

7.  Why There Needs To Be More Diversity In ______. Think of your profession; your blogging niche; your city; your neighbourhood; your school classes; your college; your sports team. Is there an overriding demographic?  More males; more younger people; more cliques? How would your niche or topic benefit from more diversity in members? What strengths could they bring that you don’t currently have?

8.  If I Was The Editor. What’s your favourite newspaper? Television show? Multi-author blog? News resource? If you could be editor for a day, what changes would you make? Would you keep the same people, or go for a fresh approach? Think long-term goals and write on how you’d go about this.

9.  What We Can Learn From Fairy Tales. The Three Little Pigs were over-confident, apart from the third one. Little Red Riding Hood never gave in to gullibility. Hansel and Gretel knew how to find their way when faced with adversity. Take these fairy tales (and more), and extrapolate them to today. What could we, or our leaders, or bosses, etc, learn from fairy tales? Let your mind go wild here.

10.  My Top Five Blogging Steps. Do you blog a certain way? Title first, then content – or vice versa? Do you settle in and close the world off, or write when the moment takes you? Share your blogging process and why it works for you, and how your readers can adapt that to not only blogging, but perhaps their personal or professional life too.

Hope these help you get some ideas to start your creative juices flowing again – and feel free to share any posts you write from the above topics.