Saturday, April 12, 2014

Visualising the Evolution of Android

Right since owning my first Android device, which was the HTC Tattoo running Android 1.6 Eclair, I have had a soft spot for the ecosystem. Be it for the green robots or just generally the ability to reflect your personality through it, Android has given it’s users something different in a good way with every update. It is pretty much impossible to visualise how far we have come in the journey that started from Android 1.6 Eclair to the tasty and meaty Android 4.4 KitKat.

However, here is an interesting infographic that will take you for a walk down the memory lane of the Android journey. The infographic also details some of the most important features that were added with pretty much every update that came out with Android making the entire ecosystem that little bit better and visually appealing every time. While iOS was always considered the superior mobile ecosystem, even the most die hard iOS fan would now agree that Android has finally caught up or is very very close to catching up. So, here is the infographic which visualises the evolution of Android.