Friday, June 1, 2012

Top 10 Addictive Websites I Can’t Live Without

Bloggers are addictive in nature, there are lots of websites which are useful for bloggers but there are some websites without which bloggers can never imagine their blogging life. Here I am mentioning my top 10 favorite websites without which I never imagine my life:

1. Twitter: Twitter is a best tool for blogger for promoting their content. Twitter is the most addictive website for bloggers. You can promote your blog by using Twitter by following these guidelines.

 2. Facebook: Facebook is another tool for promoting your blog. Its also an awesome website for social networking.

3. Digg: Digg is a social bookmarking website and a news aggregator. Bloggers are addictive to this page because they want to get the top news on the front page which are very useful for them.

4. Stumbleupon: Stumbleupon is another social bookmarking website. It is also used by bloggers to promote the top content of the blog.

5. Google: Google is a primary search engine used by almost all the bloggers. There are various groups of bloggers which always try to know the algorithm involved in indexing the blog pages on Google because the main traffic source of any website is itself a search engine Google.

6. Gmail: Gmail is used by plenty of bloggers because its advance features. There are gmail lab application from which you can experiment and get lots of features. Apart from that Gmail comes with other features you may not yet know about

7. Alexa: Alexa is other addictive website for blogger. Alexa daily update all the websites so bloggers daily check this website and they keen to know about their current alexa rank.

8. WordPress Admin Panel: WordPress admin panel is a door of wordpress dashboard. All the wordpress bloggers use this website to check the internal setting , comments, traffic stats, publishing post and lot more.

9. Google Analytics: Google analytics is a tool for checking website’s traffic. It is the most trustable tool for checking traffic stat of any website. It comes with lots of features which makes it different in its category.

10. Google Adsense: Google adsense  used to check the daily income of a blogger through various ad codes fetched on the blogs. 

Bloggers is addictive to check this website and keen to know his income stat.