Have you ever approached bloggers to make a contact or making a strong community near your blog? Your success depends on the way you approach other bloggers. There are some positive and negative approach to make a contact with bloggers. You should avoid bad practices and own the good one.
1. Don’t ask for link exchange
Link exchanging is good for SEO; this doesn’t mean that you can approach any blogger for link exchange. There is a proper way to tell your words. First you should make a good relation with blogger and then gently ask for link exchange. Don’t behave like spammer.
2. Comment on their blog
Commenting is a killer strategy to make a relationship with any blogger. Even I made some nice friends by commenting regularly on their blog. Commenting is a sign of trust, you can you make a valuable comment on others blog. Also you can ask any questions or doubts in a comment section.
3. RT others article
Retweeting is another form of building trust. If you are Retweeting others post, the chances are high that you will get a retweet in response, this helps to build a strong relationship between bloggers. Most of the WordPress blogs provides RT button. You can tweet the post by @username instead of default @tweetmeme.
4. Providing a helping hand
You can help you fellow blogger by providing some help to them. Its either helping them when their blog is down due to some error in the server or providing some help in designing their blog better. You may give any useful suggestion in the form of email or DM in Twitter.
5. Email and ask for progress
You can contact any blogger through emails and ask them for the progress of blog. Remember that don’t ask for visitor or revenue directly through email. No one wants to reveal the exact figure. You can tell them about any mistake you have seen in his blog, you can give your suggestion to improve a blog.
If you are noticing someone’s activity, it is probable that you will get a positive response in opposite. Maintaining a relation with fellow blogger is always good for better networking. Never miss this opportunity. Have you ever tried any of the given steps to make a relation or network with any blogger? Do you have some more suggestions in your mind? Feel free to share it in a comment section.