I apologize for using common and little words for a newbie blogger. Blogger is neither common nor little. But the life of every blogger starts with some common issues which make them common. He want to learn everything fromWordpress to Adsense, feeds to SEO and remaining terms related to blogging but he found lots of difficulties in his life to understand all these things perfectly. After lots of struggle very few become a Problogger(Professional Blogger) and deliver some very nice content to readers. Here I am mentioning few phases of bloggers life which are common to most of the bloggers.
1. Entry in a Blogging Field
In the starting phase of any blogger, everything seems new to him. He feel pleased when he hear from his friend that he can make money online by just writing some article and publish it with the help of blogging platform like Blogger or WordPress.
2. Curiosity to learn
Blogger is curious to learn new thing. After entry of blogging world he does lots of research. He spends most of the time in front of computer to understand every single term related to blogging. These terms are BlogSpot,Wordpress, themes, feeds, adsense; make money online, Google, Social Networking, Twitter etc.
3. Nobody there to help
Blogger sometimes feels lonely in blogging world because he doesn’t find any friend to help him. There are only few lucky bloggers who found companions who teach them every single critical term involve in a blogging. Most of the bloggers make a friendship with Google for any help.
4. Making new Friends
Blogging journey begins with making new friends through social media websites, blog commentators and Twitter. These friends are ready to help you anytime you need them. Attending bloggers meet also bring opportunity to meet new friends.
5. Learning from others
Learning is a crucial process of blogging. Bloggers often visits websites of other bloggers to learn new things. They grab the important points in their mind and apply it on their own blog. This includes either any theme, social widget, design or any important article which help them to learn new things.
6. Helping Others
Helping other fellow blogger in his bad time is an important part of blogging. It has lots of advantages. It helps to build a strong community near the blog. Help can be in the form of solving any technical issues or giving some freeassistance to fellow blogger.
7. Struggling with day job
This is a common problem among those blogger who are doing job in a company and find less time for blogging. This is a very critical situation which brings dilemma inside blogger mind to either go with the job and blogging both or quitting his job and becomes Full time blogger.
8. Become a Pro
Now this is the most important phase of life, a common little blogger is now an uncommon professional blogger. After so many blogging mistakes he is now a pro who can deliver content regularly to his readers. Everything in his life is so organized and he can ready to do some investment for his blogging job.