Friday, April 11, 2014

Over 5% Android Phones Run Android Kitkat 4.4

Every month  Google releases the distribution percentage of the Android versions that are being used by the active Android users who can access the Google Play Store. This gives a great idea of the Android version that is most popular among the users as per the month in which the data is released. Android has been notorious for the way it is vertically fragmented, and a stick that people loving iOS have beaten Android fanbois for ages. However, gradually looks like things are getting better with major OEM players such as HTC, LG and Samsung getting a lot more serious about pushing timely updates.

This is well reflected in this month’s data as, compared to last month, the users on Android 4.4 KitKat has almost doubled and stands at about 5.3% from 2.5% in last month. The rest of the situation remains pretty much how it was with hardly any difference from the last month’s data. JellyBean still remains the most popular OS on devices running Android with more than 60% of the share. Even in JellyBean, Android 4.1 is powering 34.4% of the devices with Android 4.2 and 4.3 accounting for 18% and 9% approximately respectively.

It is still worth noting that Gingerbread remains the third most popular Android version powering more than 17.8% of the active Android devices. It would certainly be interesting to see how fast the KitKat numbers will rise in the coming results.