Thursday, June 21, 2012

Make Money Without Being a Part of Blogging Herd

Best way to make money from a known product

You don’t really have to “sell” Genesis framework to your readers, since almost everyone knows how good it is. What you should do to actually makes sales from something everyone is promoting is write in depth reviews and even better – tutorials.

When people want to buy Genesis framework, they will most likely end up on Studiopress site and not yours. So you need a new strategy.

For you to sell it, you need to attract them by targeting some other topics, like “how easy is it to install Genesis framework”, “how to change Genesis favicon”, etc. If you do a video tutorial on that and put it on Youtube, you have even more chances of making a sale.

Find “new” products

Another way to be different is to find new products that not many people are promoting. For example, recommending a great book by another blogger is usually a good way to make money, especially if not many people are doing it.

There are certain books (and bloggers) everyone is promoting these days. However, I had the luck to be one of the rare ones in my circle of bloggers to promote several great books that keep making money to this day.

Some of them were aimed at beginners, some at advanced bloggers. But I read each one of them before promoting it, to make sure I know what I am talking about.

One of the books I wholeheartedly recommend is Lisa’s WordPress Starter Guide that was more than just a beginner’s guide to WordPress.

So when people started saying they don’t need beginner’s information, I would explain how much great (less known) information is in the book, and those who took my advice and read it, were happy they did.

My advantage was that it wasn’t a product everyone promotes. Of course, picking carefully products you promote is a safe way to make your readers happy.

Don’t be a part of the herd

If you are doing exactly the same thing everyone else is doing, why would anyone buy from you. They can buy from 1.000 other places. So try to stand out in one way or the other. It can be a product not many people are talking about, or an interesting way of packing your opinion of a product everyone is using.