Thursday, June 21, 2012

3 Quick Ways to Increase Your Affiliate Commissions

1. Ask for a raise

Some affiliate programs will pay more money to those who sell more. Some are set up that way through affiliate networks, some are set that way through in house affiliate programs but some don’t even know about the possibility.
There are many companies that never got into learning how to sell more products by selecting good affiliates. This is where you come in.

If you are selling a big amount of the company’s product, you deserve to be better paid than those not selling a lot. How do you do this? Just ask! Ask them if there is a possibility for a raise… You can even test the waters by telling them there is a similar product of a competing company you are thinking of promoting because they have higher commissions.

2. Test the company through different networks

A lot of companies sell through multiple networks and it may be worth testing their offers that way. The one that comes to my mind is Hootsuite (here is why I love Hootsuite). They have their affiliate programs set up through both Share-a-sale and Commission Junction. And the conditions are a bit different.

There are two test you can do for this program, of the top of my head. See which one is more likely to convert for you! One of the programs gives you 100% commission for a shorter period of time while the other gives you about 15% for a longer period of time.

Another test you can do is depending on other sales you make. If I am not mistaking, both of those affiliate networks will pay you out when you reach $100. So how many other sales will you make and how long will you have to wait for the payment from Hootsuite program.

3. Skip the middle man

If you are making a lot of sales and driving crazy amounts of traffic to the offer, contact the company directly and offer them to link directly to their product, skipping the affiliate network. That would cut costs for them and probably be better for you, not having to have your money on hold.