Friday, June 1, 2012

ISRO launches much awaiting Bhuvan: An Indian Geoportal

ISRO launched much awaited Geoportal service Bhuvan (meaning Earth in Sanskrit) in competition of a much hyped Google Earth service. It seems that India is now in a row of a developed nations which has no hesitation of experimenting with innovations. Bhuvan is a result of extreme criticism which told that India is a country where on an average people can earn only 2$ per day or less.

According to official website Bhuvan is  “

A Geoportal of Indian Space Research Organisation showcasing Indian Imaging Capabilities in Multi-sensor, Multi-platform and Multi-temporal domain. The portal gives a gateway to explore and discover virtual earth in 3D space with specific emphasis on Indian region”

 Low Bandwidth Bhuvan works in slow internet connection also. It is a bandwidth friendly service. It serves IRS satellite data.

Real time The data you access is not a real time. The images taken from IRS sensors within last three years duration .

Bookmark You can also bookmark the location by Zooming it. You will get a draw tool to make an icon. It will stay in the frame to the left of the main window, and double clicking on it will zoom you to that position.

Registration: You need to fill the form to access the service:

Bhuvan plugin Once you register and login you need to download the Bhuvan plug-in. After downloading the plugin you can use all the features of Bhuvan . You can’t use Bhuvan in Mac or Linux for now.

The features look very promising but the task of Bhuvan is really very tough because Bhuvan has  a very strong competitor Google Earth which is four years old and downloaded more than 400 million times.