Friday, June 1, 2012

How to install Google Chrome extension

You are very much aware of Firefox and its well known plugins. This is the main reason that people love Firefox inspite of Google Chrome which has an incredible speed.

But it is a fantastic news for every Chrome lover that there are extensions available in Google Chrome too.

But installation of extension in Google Chrome is not as much easy as in Firefox. You need to switch to Google Chrome Developer Version. After switching to developer version;

Go to Google Chrome icon on your desktop

Right click on the icon and go to properties

Go to Shortcuts and change the target. You need to add –enable-extensions after any chrome.exe. Example  C:\Users\computername\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe – -enable-extensions

Note: There is a space between exe and —  Update: There should be two hyphens before “enable-extensions” in the given target and there should be no gap between them. If you want to copy paste the above given target; please delete the given hyphens(- -) before *enable and add two hyphens before *enable i.e. – -enable-extensions without any gap between hyphens.

Now restart the Google Chrome, you are ready to install any extension now.