Sunday, June 24, 2012

Flick Bowling: A Game For All Ages On iPhone

You got to choose between six different bowlers in either Free Play or Versus mode (vs. another human or computer) and begin your game. Players start out by selecting their character. After choosing your character you get a brief description about them. Next players choose which ball to bowl with, this feature isn’t really necessary but it’s a nice added touch to allow players to personalize their bowling experience. Before each throw, you choose between one of three different balls. They vary in their weight and rolling speed. Using
your finger, you slide your bowler to the left or right. Once you properly position yourself you are ready. Flick upwards to bowl. Flick in a straight line and you throw it dead centre. Veer a bit to the left or right and the ball angles in that direction. It doesn’t actually hook, it just moves across the board. Increase the difficulty and the ball goes everywhere when you try and hook it.
Background noise and sound effects are pretty good. The graphics are good.

Players can only shoot the ball in straight lines, so don’t bother trying to do curved flick motions it won’t do any good. The Flick Bowling 1.1 update added the ability to spin the ball as it rolls down the lane, just swipe your finger left or right and the ball will spin towards the direction of your swipe.

Once you get the hang of playing Flick Bowling in Free Play mode, you’ll definitely want to try Versus mode with a friend or even playing against the computer.

There is also the option to increase the difficulty of the game, the higher the difficulty the more sensitive the game is to your flick motion when shooting the ball.

For example, when difficulty is set to lowest, regardless at what angle you flick the ball will always roll in a straight line, but if you increase difficulty the game will take into account what angle you flicked at and will send the bowling ball in that given direction and gutter will be a more common occurence.

Overall I believe you will have a great time playing this game, especially with friends. The game attracted lots of attention even from non-gamers as well. I’d highly recommend this game to anyone looking for some simple arcade fun. But to be honest, it’s not a full fledged game to rely upon for long hours yet it is definitely enjoyable in short bursts. Freeverse did an excellent job on delivering a highly polished experience, it doesn’t get much better than this.

You can visit the Game Developers page here