Saturday, April 12, 2014

Samsung Posts Official hands on Video of Samsung Galaxy S V and Gear Fit

Samsung announced the Galaxy S V and a brand new Galaxy Gear and a new fitness tracker called the Galaxy Fit at MWC in Barcelona. Although all the devices divided opinions more than that of an average parliament session, the unveiling created a massive buzz. Just the fact that the S V was announced which
would be the measuring scale against pretty much every major smartphone flagship this year was enough for everyone in the world to take not. However, not everyone has been lucky enough to check out the device with their own hands.

As a result, instead of relying on the views of your favorite tech bloggers, you can catch the official hands on video of the Samsung Galaxy S V and the Galaxy Fit, which was recently posted. The Galaxy S V video takes you around some of the newest features of the devices. From subtle hardware changes to the new heart sensor sensor and then to the iPhone 5s like finger print sensor, the video pretty much covers it all in great depth.

The Galaxy Fit and Gear video though is more fitness centric and how the two devices help you stay healthy and fit. there is a lot of attention in the video that has been given to the designing prowess of Samsung and how easy it is to handle and use the devices.These videos are certainly helpful if you plan to purchase any of these devices and definitely would help you kill the curiosity until the devices hit the market floor in April.