Saturday, April 12, 2014

Is this the latest Windows Phone Flagship from Samsung?

Remember the Samsung Ativ S? You could be forgiven for not even knowing about the device. It was a gigantic Windows phone running WP 8 and in fact Samsung’s flagship device of last year in WP platform category. The device did not even see a worldwide launch and hence when @Evleaks, the famous Twitter account tweeted image of supposedly the next Samsung Windows Phone 8.1 device, it left a few people scratching their heads.

On the outside, the device looks very much like a Samsung Galaxy S IV running Windows Phone. You have similar patterned front of the device a faux metallic plastic backshell. The device is expected to bring a 5 inch full HD display with LTE support. Although, there is no definite day of release of the phone, a strong case could well be made that Samsung would decide to bring the device in synergy with the Windows Phone 8.1 launch in the spring at Microsoft’s Build’s Conference.

Samsung has never been a big pursuer of WP, and you feel this strategy of pushing the OS in a device basically with same design aesthetics as that of their Android phones could allow Samsung to throw in some low end phones in WP too gaining a reasonable market share.