Saturday, April 12, 2014

How to get the SSL Security patched up without Updating to iOS 7.0.6

Apple recently rolled out the update which bought all the devices running iOS 7 to iOS 7.0.6. This was a small update, but perhaps one of the most important ones that Apple has rolled out. No, there were no funky features that were added by it, but instead it patched up a massive gaping hole in the security of the iOS system. It patched up the issue with the SSL that could cause
hackers to intercept and interfere into your device while you are surfing the internet. This issue particularly affected your system if you use Safari browser. And as a result updating to iOS 7.0.6 was pretty much a compulsion.

However, if you have a jailbroken device, updates are never your friends. Although, iOS 7.0.6 is perfectly jailbreak-able, you needed to re jailbreak your device and install all the cydia tweaks once again after you have backed them up. To avoid all of this, you can simply install a security patch up from Cydia, which does exactly the job of iOS 7.0.6 update. To add the certificate you would have to add the tweak-maker’s personal repo which is is found at “”

Once you have the repo added, simply go ahead and search for SSL Patch and download it, since its absolutely free. The patch is safe as it does not really tamper with the system files, but how effectively that will patch the security is not very clear. But the tweak claims it does, and so we hope. Reprisng your device once you have installed the tweak, and use it normally.