Saturday, April 12, 2014

Apple is Working on bringing small Retail Stores in India to boost sales of more Affordable Products

Apple retail in the US are a part of the whole experience of buying into the Apple eco system. With state of the art facilities as well as Apple Staff members who are seriously passionate about the products and technically very sound, the entire trip to an Apple Store compels you to pick an Apple device. Apple is aiming to bring a similar experience to India but on a smaller scale and for a different purpose as well.

A report in Economic Times states that Apple is looking at it’s distribution partners in India like Redington to set up small stores in Tier I and Tier II cities in India to help them provide an immersive experience to its potential new customers. The catch is these stores would be aimed to sell cheaper Apple products and not the top of the line flagship phones. Devices such as iPhone 4, iPad 2, iPad Mini are big in India thanks to their affordable price and as a result Apple is looking to ride on the whole Apple in Store experience to take their sale a level up in order to secure more than 2% volume market share in India.

Samsung and Nokia have benefited from such a strategy in Indian and looks like Apple is next in line. there are no words on when or where the first store would be opened, but given the low margins dealers get on Apple products, you feel there is still plenty of work to be done in background before this becomes a reality.