Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Most Valuable Tips To Avoid Being Penalized by Future Google Updates

If you have been paying any attention at all to the SEO world, you are aware of the two major algorithm changes Google happened to bring in this year. These “delightful enhancements” have been a devastating blow to most peoples online profits and some people’s businesses have been completely wiped off the map. I have suffered immensely myself. However, I am one of the few who have been able to have a very quick rebound and rebuild my profits.
What is the BIG problem?
In a nutshell, Google realized that people are lazy and like to produce junk websites to generate affiliate commissions. Most of these sites don’t produce a quality experience for the visitor so Google said NO MORE!

Are you surprised?
I will admit it, I am as guilty as the rest of them.
I have hundreds of little sites that at one point brought in a very nice income.
However, after Google decided to pull the rug out from under my feet, 85% of my sites disappeared off the search results and the other 15% lost a majority of it’s traffic almost over night.
Who ever thought Google was so smart?
I was so frustrated by this whole experience that I decided to make it my new mission and understand how to rank my sites effectively… again.

Over the past few months, I have spent a ton of money and time trying to understand these new Panda and Penguin changes.  what I learned over the last few months have been a true eye opener. I am going to share with you a ROCK SOLID SEO method I have been testing and using, that has allowed me to sky-rocket past my competition and get first place ranking on 98% of my websites. And it only took me one month. But before I do, I need you to understand the complexity of this Google update. These new updates have dynamically and forever altered the way Google views and ranks websites.

I want you to think of the new Google algorithm as a human that can now compare, analyze, track, measure, rate your site, your competitors site and thousands or even millions of related sites all at once; then take that data and save it for a later date. Then take all this data and organize it, and effectively display the sites that provide by best user experience. We are talking super-futuristic artificial intelligence that is way beyond our imagination.  In other words, an SEO’ers nightmare. Unless you know how to get around it! So, with all that said, what do you think Google is looking for?

They want a site that provides unique, relevant, on topic, user-friendly content. They want to see that the owner of the site is alive and frequently updating the site.  They want to see you engage in the social networks.. Yes, that is right, they now track social activity among all the major networks.  There is no way to game or manipulate the rankings anymore. And if you want to have any type of future or business online, you need to learn to play by the rules.

If you write 20 articles a month, you will get 5x the traffic on average. You don’t need to buy traffic when your site is active and Google loves what you provide. They will send you all the free traffic you want.
The days of creating mini sites and expecting organic traffic through SEO is over. Unless you are in a very small niche, don’t count on seeing profits. Focus on building authority sites that have lots of content being added on a frequent basis. This is the key to staying high in the search results.
Stick with this strategy and you will start climbing the ranks. Try to game the system and never see one visitor.