Friday, June 8, 2012

Grant Admin Rights to Other Users To Access Google Analytics

Google Analytics is one of the best known tool to check your website stats. User with admin right can access all the stats available for the site. Stats consist of site usage, visitors overview, map overlay, traffic sources overview, content overview.

One nice feature in this service is assigning admin right to any other user. It means if you are admin of your site and you want someone other to take care of the stats and other data of your site then you can easily give him rights without sharing your email and password.

There is one more possibility: suppose you are using different email IDs for adsense and analytics and you want to link adsense with Google Analytics then you have to first give admin rights to adsense account email ID and then link it. Here’s a step by step guide to perform the function.

1. Login to Google Analytics account. Click on User Manager link given at the bottom.

2. Click on Add User link given under User Manager.

3. Now in the given box enter the email address of the other user you want to add. In the Access Type dropdown select Account Administrator. Account administrator have access to all reports and profiles in your account.

4. Click on Save Changes button. That’s it. You’ve successfully added other user in your Google Analytics account. Now if the user you added will login into his analytics account, he’ll access all your website’s stats.