Monday, June 4, 2012

Google Maps 45° imagery: A New Way Of Exploring Maps

If you are a fan a frequent user of Google maps then you might also aware of its awesome lab features. You can measure distance between two points, Shorten the Maps “Link” to be a more compact URL, drag and zoom feature, aerial imagery, rotatable maps, smart zoom and many other features.

Today, Google Imagery team announced 45° imagery, a new feature that explores the location from a 45° angle instead of top. You can easily view the building from the side and rotate it using compass ring. 45° view provides you better view and you can rotate and watch the location in more depth.
This function only works in satellite mode. 45° imagery is currently available for the selected locations of the U.S. and worldwide. Any user of the world can view it in his browser. Here are some links as examples: example 1, example 2, and example 3.

Here are some screenshots of the imagery. Image credit: Google Lat Long Blog

[via Google Lat Long Blog]