I have mentioned many times in my previous articles that Blogging is equal to journalism. I got many emails from my readers asking me how blogging is equal to Journalism. The email looks like:
Peter asked a very genuine question. How can we compare blogging with Journalism? First of all it is not necessary that blogging is a one man show (though lots of time it is). In blogging the owner of blog maintains the blog write the post (article or content) and promotes the site through various marketing sites.
According to Wikipedia
Journalism is the craft of conveying news, descriptive material and comment via a widening spectrum of media. These include newspapers, magazines, radio and television, the internet and even, more recently, the mobile phone. Journalists—be they writers, editors or photographers; broadcast presenters or producers—serve as the chief purveyors of information and opinion in contemporary mass society.
From the above definition it is clear that Blogging is closely related to Journalism. Blogging can also play important medium to connect mass society.
Blogger is an editor
In print media there is journalist, reporters, editors, publishers and distributors who help in gathering and distribution of news. Blogging is somehow different. Blogger (may be any single person or team) plays the major role involves in gathering, publishing or promoting all the news.
Blogger play an important role in editing the entire article. The most difficult problem any blogger face is his career is choice of topics. A dilemma always exists in blogger’s mind about the selection of topics. There are lots of things to write on the blog. One can take an inspiration from Google Wonder Wheel or Feed Readers.
Editing requires proof reading. One should read post twice before publishing it. Also proper strategy is required to distributing content. There are various sites to distribute content. Sites like Stumbleupon, Ycombinator and Diggbrings lots of traffic to the blog.
There are lots of difference between print media and Blogging. There are lots of complicity involved in both the process. I am not telling anything about which is better. Both the sources have their own importance. But there are few points which distinguish online and offline media.
Conversation Blogging is also a conversation but there is very little conversation in Print media.
Punctuality is also a main reason, it is not necessary in blogging to publish a post daily but print media should deliver news daily.
Personal: Blogs are personal or it can be informal but print media must be formal.
Comments Comments is a feature in blog while in print media there is no comment involved.
When I started Blogging I was never serious about the process involved in the Blogging. I thought blogging is very easy but in reality punctuality is very necessary for delivering news through blogging. Blogging is emerging very fast in comparison to print media. There are lots of blogs delivering news very efficiently.