Guess what is the similarity between the greatest weblogs like Techcrunch, Mashable, Readwriteweb, Makeuseof , Gigaom. If you don’t know then I must tell you that these amazing weblogs are using WordPress as their blogging. Thanks to Matt Mullenweg for giving us this amazing blog platform we can do anything. Yes, the
amazing plugins do anything you want. But to customize WordPress according to our requirement is not an easy task, it require lots of hard work. But wait! you don’t need to do extra hard work to research on the things. Thanks to those amazing collections from the help of which anyone can customize WordPress in their own way. Here I am providing my collection I have bookmarked which might be useful to you.
40+ Most Wanted WordPress Tricks And Hacks
Compilation of WordPress Hacks
30 Most Wanted WordPress Comments Page Hacks
10 Killer WordPress Hacks
10 useful WordPress theme hacks
12 Essential Security Tips and Hacks for WordPress
22 Mixed Quality WordPress Hacks
30+ (More) Most Wanted WordPress Tips, Tricks And Hacks
WordPress Theme Hacks
10 Useful RSS-Tricks and Hacks For WordPress
15 Killer Hacks for WordPress that Are Extremely Useful
10 awesome .htaccess hacks for WordPress
It is impossible to cover each and every topic on the internet as there are more and more discoveries happening each day. Feel free to extend the list by your own favourite collection through comments, every comments would be appreciated.