Making Money online is not a very easy process as it looks like. It require lots of hard work and dedication. There are many ways of making money online. Bloggers often think that Google ads or direct advertisement are the best way of making money but the truth is they are direct ways of making money. There are few indirect ways through which you can make online money without showing any ads on your blog. But these techniques require a great online reputation and authority.
1. Freelance writing
This is my favorite one and I make quit good income with this technique. If you write killer content on your blog then it might possible that you come under eyes of those bloggers who need writers for their blog. They generally willing to pay decent amount of money for each article. The rate of article varies from 1$ to 25$ or more.
2) Services
If you are a programmer, designer or SEO expert then you can start different services on your blog. For example blogtechnikamain is running with Thesis theme customization services. You may contact other designers who are very active in their field and you can ask for commission based work. Suppose you are getting 200$ for theme customization and designing then you can ask for 25% commission for bringing each client.
3) Consultancy
It is obvious that bloggers have to help fellow bloggers in their bad time. But it might possible that you don’t have a time to help others. Because the time which you devote in helping others can be utilized in earning some extra dollars. Therefore it is better to provide consultancy services with minimal rates and you can solve problem of fellow bloggers.
4) Paid Reviews
If your blog is doing very good in terms of traffic and online ranking then you can write few paid review for different products. You can get some extra income for your blog with this reviews. Companies pay huge amount of money varies from 50$ to 500$ per review. So you can make an extra cash within a small time period.
5) Writing Book
If you are a great writer and having great internet reputation then you can write the whole experience of your life in a single book. People love to read books of established and high reputation blogger. But remember that before writing any book you should have a great authority so that people believe in your words.