Saturday, June 23, 2012

5 Key Lessons Pilates Can Teach You About Blogging

Principle 1: Centering

Centering is a principle of Pilates that teaches you to focus on exercises that target the center of the body. Its goal is to teach you to generate power and control during athletic movements by using your core muscles.

To apply this technique to your daily blogging work, remember that the focus of your blog post needs to be forceful and make a point. Rather than rambling or filling your posts with vague “fluff,” determine how you can best make an impression on the readers of your blog with each post.

Principle 2: Concentration

Another principle of Pilates is concentration, which is designed to guide you in clearing your mind and focusing your attention on each exercise you perform during a workout.Proper concentration and focus helps you perform each exercise more correctly, cleanly and effectively.

You can use this principle to help improve your blogging efforts by bringing attention to important details.

Rather than rushing through each post, take the time to concentrate on creating it to as high a degree of quality as possible by taking the time to carefully research and edit your writing.

Principle 3: Control

The principle of control is closely related to that of concentration. Control simply means that your concentration allows you to perform the movements of each exercise smoothly, decisively and gracefully.

When working on a blog post, all of your information needs to be fluid and targeted to make a specific point, or series of points. Otherwise, your posts will only present a random collection of isolated facts or opinions that never make a unified point.

Principle 4: Precision

The goal of precision is to help you become aware of your own body’s movements. Over time, it helps you learn how one part of your body aligns with the others, as well as how best to coordinate your body’s movements.

In blogging, this relates to the idea that your entire site should be optimized for page clarity and easy navigation. Even the best content will not make up for a poorly designed site interface.

Principle 5: Breath

The principle of breath, as you can imagine, is simply designed to teach you how to breathe and relax while performing even strenuous techniques. Many people fall into the trap of tensing up and holding their breath during a challenging exercise, not realizing that they are actually weakening their muscles by doing so.

Of course, you should remember to breathe while you are working on your blog. More importantly, however, your blogging efforts will be much more effective and enjoyable if you constantly remind yourself to relax and de-stress, even when faced with challenging topics or deadlines.

Taking five minutes every hour or so to walk around, make a cup of coffee or listen to music can help make your work day much more productive and less tiring.